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Missionary Trainer

Ethnos360 Training
This particular staff need can only be met by full time Ethnos360 members with field/tribal/church planting experience
Region: Europe
Location: Missionary Training Center, North Cotes
Salary: None – Financial support raising required
Purpose: A married couple with church planting experience in a tribal situation (up to, and ideally beyond the Phase One stage), are urgently needed for work in the European Bible and Missionary Training Centre in North Cotes, UK.
We are looking for a husband and wife team who would both be able to fit into varied roles in our European training centre. Responsibilities, detailed below, would be on the Missions course, known as the Cross-Cultural Communications, (CCC) course. Both roles will combine teaching, mentoring and administrative jobs, although the wife would be more in an administrative position and less involved in teaching.
Responsibilities: Husband:
1. Teaching various modules in the CCC course, particularly Church Planting modules and related topics
2. Some CCC administration
3. Mission Simulation (Jungle Camp) set up
4. Mission course Mentoring of individual students
1. Administrative duties which will include handling CCC student evaluations and diplomas, correspondence to home churches, minutes for CCC, entering students' data on the mission database and other miscellaneous correspondence and office duties.
2. Possibly teaching some short modules on the CCC course
3. Mission Course Mentoring of individual students
Duration: 4 Years - Career
People Needed: 1
Priority: Normal
